The two teams working for the Ministry of Youth & Sports (MOYAS) and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) are preparing for their final presentations tomorrow - so that is a busy day and a busy evening...
KICD Team - Olivia, Jen, Win, Dino |
MOYAS Team - Ellen, Patrick, Sathvika, Sarah | | | |
As everbody needed some motivation today, the Health Team provided ice cream after lunch sponsored by Mary, and then Scott prepared his Ohio-style food for tasting - original Chili.
How many cooks does it need to heat a can? |
And that's the can! | | |
Ok, it did look a little strange - but it was very tasty!
Inspired by this example, some more people got into the deepest corners of their suitcases and came up with more gifts and tasty things...
Corn Flakes mixture from India, from Sathvika - spicy! |
Mango Pickles and dried chapata from India - Vinayak |
Fruit bars from South Africa - Ellen |
Chocolate covered cranberries from Massachusetts, from Jen |
| Girls Scouts Cookies from Sarah and salt water toffy from Jen
Key chain rings for everyone from Italy - Olivia, Florida - Sarah, Massachusetts - Jen. Thanks!!
Endspurt !
Die beiden Teams die für das Institut für Lehrplanentwicklung und für das Ministerium für Jugend und Sport arbeiten, haben morgen ihre Abschluss-Präsentation.
Daher hat sich das Team "Health" heute ganz vorbildlich um Motivationsunterstützung bemüht - zunächst gab es Eis, gesponsort von Mary. Dann hat Scott seine Spezialität aus Ohio zubereitet - naja, heiß gemacht... War aber lecker, auch wenn es ein bisschen eigenartig aussah.
Das inspirierte dann noch einige andere aus dem Team, in ihren Koffern nach Mitbringseln und einheimischen Spezialitäten zu suchen - das war lecker und nett!! Danke!!
#ibmcsc kenya
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