June 20, 2013

Jambo from CSC Kenya Day 3

Kenya has embarked on an ambitious and inspirational long-term national plan to create a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life by 2030.

The Vision 2030 is anchored in three key pillars: Economic, Social and Political Governance. Our IBM Corporate Service Corps Kenya 7 team is assigned to three projects to support the “Social” pillar.

After enviously watching our fellow CSC teammates present to their clients/key stakeholders, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)/Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MOYAS) on Day 2, our Ministry of Health (MOH) team met with our client on Day 3.

During our meeting with Dr. Bashir, the Head of the Division Reproductive Health, and Dr. Odongo, Advisor for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) & Maternal Health program for CDC Kenya, we were able to confirm project scope and identify key stakeholders to interview.

From left to right: Muriuki Mureithi from Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT), Joshua Oiro from Futures Group, Scott Neufarth (IBM team mate from Cincy Ohio), Ulla Kieserg (IBM team mate from Germany), Dr. Odongo, yours truly (the shortest of the bunch) and Vinayak Sastri (IBM team mate from India).

Dr. Odongo, from Nigeria, is wearing a traditional “agbada” robe for men. He is perhaps the tallest person I have stood next to in a photograph! On a good day, I’m about 5 foot 4 inches, so by my estimates he’s at least 6 foot 8 inches!

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