June 19, 2013

Wildlife tour in Nairobi - Part II

After seeing baby elephants and face-feeding giraffes, we went to the Nairobi Safari Walk, a wildlife conservation facility just 7km south of Nairobi. As we were waiting in line to pay the admission fee, we suddenly heard a scream and turned around to see a baboon that tried to steal a plastic grocery bag of food that a tourist had left on the floor. It happened too fast to snap a photo of it, but about 10 minutes later we saw the same baboon munching on french fries.

We saw a pygmy hippo, this dazzling water buffalo ...

And I told a few jokes to see if this spotted hyena was a laughing hyena, but it didn't go over very well. Poor guy also has a piece of his ear missing.

On the pathway we saw a tiny chameleon only about 6 inches long and was such a cutie. He was walking really slow, then moving one leg in the air slowly, then back still in the air, then forward, trying to figure which way to move. We were joking that he wasn't good at changing colours to blend in the with the ground, but the hyenas didn't laugh at that either ...

Then we saw a bunch of ostriches and the coolest thing is that one of the local guides told us that if we clapped our hands the ostriches would start to dance. I thought he was kidding, but clapped anyway for the fun of it and sure enough all the ostriches opened up their wings and danced around in a little circle. It was so cool to see.

RESPECT is all I can think about when seeing the white rhino. Such a peaceful animal almost driven to extinction because of their horns. The guide also informed us that rhinos can regrow their horn in just three years, but for hundreds of years this animal has been killed on a massive scale just for the horn.

It was getting late and it was starting to rain, but we managed to conclude the tour with this magnificent King of the Jungle!

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